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Writer's pictureChris Dortignac

It's Friday, but Sunday is Coming!

It's Friday. The Passover Sabbath is about to begin. Moments ago, Jesus' final words rang aloud through the stillness of the air-

"It is Finished!"

The sky grew dark, though it was only about 3pm, and the earth shook violently. Jesus hung there in utter humiliation, the Just for the unjust, unfairly tried, beaten and crucified. His blood ran down the cross from His bleeding head, back, hands, feet and side.

It looked as though Satan had succeeded in his plan to kill the Son of God and, once for all, turn God against man. But something wonderful happened that day instead: the sacred veil, that divided the ark of the covenant and the mercy seat from everyone but the high priest once a year, was torn from the top to the bottom and the Holy of holies was opened to all. The blood that spilled from Jesus' earthly body blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against mankind. Rather than succeed, the devil made a huge mistake, playing right into the very capable hands of the Almighty. Yes, the old covenant was finished. It was done and a new covenant made. All who would believe on the Son of God, could now have eternal life and peace with God, through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

What a wonderful part of history which I am so glad we get to celebrate each year! Without the cross, Christ could not have reconciled us to God and could not have conquered death! This year, our new pastor, Mitchell, began taking us through the book of Numbers. Now what pastor in their right mind even does that? I'll tell you: the pastor that is listening to the Holy Spirit! This same holy Spirit 'just so happens' to have us land on chapter nine, verses one through fourteen, last week (Palm Sunday). If you are not familiar with chapter nine, it is the recounting of God telling Moses to keep the Passover- the reminder of being set free from the bondage of Egypt and celebration of God's deliverance to all who were sealed by the blood of a perfect lamb.

Since it is my job to lead the music at our church, I immediately thought of the old hymn, When I See The Blood (I will pass over you) however, I have always felt the speed and melody of the verse is simply too joyful for the lyrics. Of course, one can choose to look at it two different ways, but since it was a solemn thing at the time, I felt that the melody needed a re-write. So here is a brand new version of When I See The Blood that we sang last week. I'd love to hear your thoughts! This sheet music will be available for free only until Easter Sunday, after which it will be available for purchase in our store.

Stay tuned for another special hymn on Easter morning!

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