Christmas seems to sneak up on us faster than we realize, even though we’ve been in Christmas cantata practice since September. In honor of this special season where we reflect in worship on the wonder of our God becoming man, enjoy time with family, and celebrate in a variety of ways, we have a few new things in the shop for you, as well as a few sales going on until the end of this month.
Gift cards are now available for the Hymnprovisation Store! These can used for any item or service offered in the store, including online or in person lessons.
We have several sales going on at once. All single CDs are now $10 or less. Sales over $75 will receive 15% off, and sales over $100 will also receive a free CD of choice.
Last year, while we were pondering the amazing reality that God, in all His glory and perfection, humbled Himself to become a poor man in order to save us through His suffering, death and resurrection, this song was born: When Love Came Down. It is available for free until the end of this year!
May you all take time in all the busyness of the season to stand in awe of our God, Emmanuel!
The Dortignac Family