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Writer's pictureChris Dortignac

Hallelujah, Christ Is Risen!

Note: this post was scheduled to publish Easter morning, and there was a glitch we didn't catch until the evening. We apologize for the delay!

The Resurrection is my favorite holiday and I really don't think that we celebrate it nearly enough. Of course, we couldn't have the resurrection without the cross. Both are important, but did you know that the bible speaks of the cross 28 times and Christ's death 9 times, while speaking 41 times about the Resurrection and 18 times that "Christ is risen"?

Have you ever noticed that your hymnal has a disproportionate amount of songs under the heading, "The Cross", vs. "Easter", or "The Resurrection"? Ours has a a grand total of eight on the resurrection, with a few others scattered under other sections that would qualify, such as Crown Him with Many Crowns, And Can It Be, or Thine Be The Glory, yet there are upwards of 45 in the section on the cross and the blood. With the counts listed above on how many times the Bible speaks of both, one would think there should be more songs about the Resurrection, but with the lack of attention given (usually only two Sundays each year) it is no wonder!

Paul the Apostle speaks often of the power of the Believer's resurrection to new life (Romans 6-8, 1 Corinthians 6, Galatians, Titus 2:11 to name a few) and Peter speaks of it in 2 Peter 1:3-4. Why then do we not have more hymns on this wonderful, life-giving joy that only Believers in Jesus Christ can experience? Now, I definitely do not consider myself a wordsmith, but while chewing on this subject, I believe the Lord gave me the following lyrics telling the Easter Story and the power of the resurrection in 6 verses.

Hallelujah, Christ is Risen;

From the grave, He lives again:

Christ the Mighty conqu’ring victor,

Over death the sting of sin!

Guarded tomb could never hold Him,

for He rolled the stone away:

Christ has opened heaven’s portals,

Death no more can hold its prey!

Praise the Savior, ye who know Him,

For the Father’s love untold!

How He left His throne in glory;

Came to earth as flesh and blood.

How He served His Heav’nly Father,

Though surrounded here by sin,

For the joy set here before Him,

Suffered at the hands of men.

Mocked, despised, by all forsaken,

Jesus Christ was crucified

For the love of God the Father,

“It is Finished,” loud He cried!

Darkest day, the earth was shaken,

And in the veil in two was torn.

Satan’s plan, it seems succeeded;

Yet from death, new life was born.

Love Divine, all loves excelling,

Purchased with His precious blood

Wretched souls who did not love Him,

While as yet we knew not God.

Praise His name, God’s love prevails

From the enemy redeems

Ev’ry soul that seeks the Savior;

Ev’ry soul on Him believes.

Now the mercy seat is open;

Wretched souls receive His grace!

Jesus Christ, the friend of sinners,

Has atoned for Adam’s race.

Through His life and death He loved me,

Though unworthy I to be

Called a child of God the Father

And to live eternally.

Sin no more can hold it’s captives,

Jesus lives and so can I!

And someday in heav’ns glory,

I will reign with Him on high,

Chang’d from glory into glory

‘Till in heav’n I take my place,

Where I’ll cast my crown before Thee,

Lost in wonder, love and praise!

©2019 Chris Dortignac

Permission is granted to sing, perform, play or present this song for corporate worship.

All other rights reserved.

For a limited time, you may download the sheet music and listen to a sample here.

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