This site exists to serve the church and individual Christians who have a passion to make excellent music for the glory of GOD. We believe He deserves only the best. We may not attain to that this side of glory, but we strive for it in every way we know how.
This ministry is dedicated toward bringing praise, glory and the honor due to Chief Musician and King of kings, The Creator of mankind, of nature, and of this wonderful thing we call music! Music was designed to bring Him glory, honor, and praise. It is Him we seek to glorify, not we ourselves.
This site exists to serve the church and individual Christians who have a passion to make excellent music for the glory of GOD. We believe He deserves only the best. We may not attain to that this side of glory, but we strive for it in every way we know how.
This ministry is dedicated toward bringing praise, glory and the honor due to Chief Musician and King of kings, The Creator of mankind, of nature, and of this wonderful thing we call music! Music was designed to bring Him glory, honor, and praise. It is Him we seek to glorify, not we ourselves.
create / praise / glorify
From a young age, Chris has had a passion for praising God according to His excellent greatness and helping others to do the same. Having accompanied and led congregations in churches, camps, gospel meetings and conferences from ID to KY, to Belize, Central America for the last 25 years, he brings a wealth of experience and a passion for excellence in music. In 2017, seeing an opportunity to meet the need for church pianists to

be better trained to specifically assist the congregation in worshiping in song, he published the handbook titled Hymnprovisation-The Art of Effective Improvisational Accompaniment and began this website with the goal of assisting you in making God’s praise glorious. We hope to offer resources for every musician, not just pianists. If you have something you think would be of benefit, please contact us!

The Hymprovisation website has a wealth of material for the church pianist to take advantage of. Sheet music, video demos, links to exceptional ideas about the philosophy of music, software recommendations for aspiring composers, reviews on musical instruments and so much more. Click below to get started.

Finding quality music instructions is always a bit of a chore. We would like to help take that chore off your list. Consider Skype Piano Lessons from Chris. As an experienced pianist, Chris can provide not only the quality instruction you are looking for, he can do so in a safe environment AND from a world view that supports your family's values.
Consider taking advantage of this opportunity today! The musician in your family will be the better for it.